AdTonos CEO and Founder, Michal Marcinik, had the great pleasure of featuring in an ExchangeWire article on his takeaways from Cologne’s 2022 DMEXCO conference, which returned this year after a three-year hiatus.

“It’s a really exciting time to be working in ad tech, which became very clear at DMEXCO. Industry and business leaders all came together to discuss the best ways to future proof our solutions, as well as to see how technologies fit into the developing sphere of Web3 and IoT. It’s clear that digital audio will play a large part in this, and as the fastest growing ad spend channel there is a lot of interest in its potential.”Michal Marcinik, CEO and Founder, AdTonos

As well as AdTonos, some of the biggest names in ad tech, media, and digital marketing also attended what was one of 2022’s biggest industry events in Europe. Here are the impressions that some of our partners and colleagues in the industry.

A Million Ads

“Whilst this was my first trip over to Cologne, colleagues, clients, and partners commented on how it was much smaller than previous years, with a lot more sessions dedicated to German speaking companies. It will be interesting to see if this will be the case again next year. Understandably, there continues to be a lot of talk about the impact of switching to a cookieless future. The current front runner seems to be that advertisers will turn to first party data when possible and contextual advertising when not. 

 For audio, it’s unlikely that there will be a change in the way that we advertise, given the fact that digital audio doesn’t rely on cookies at all. However if contextual advertising becomes more prevalent across other channels and receives more focus from advertisers, it is only natural that there will be a renewed interest in digital audio context as well.” – Harry Williams, Senior Marketing Manager, A Million Ads

Octave Audio

“There was a good cross section of audio specific companies alongside the many stalwarts of digital marketing at DMEXCO this year. The overarching theme of the conversations centred around advancements in data and audio ad technology, and on the specific challenges and opportunities that this unique medium presents.

It was interesting to see that an increasing number of established ad tech and data companies are now focusing on evolving their product suite in audio. DMEXCO offers a great opportunity for reflection and long-term planning discussions.” – Charlie Brookes, Director of Revenue, Octave Audio

RTB House

“This year’s DMEXCO was well attended and an opportunity to meet and network with leaders from across the industry. Unsurprisingly, Google’s delay to the deprecation of third party cookies was a hot topic.

It was particularly great to hear more about a variety of emerging topics such as frequency capping in the cookieless world and ad measurement solutions. Indeed, we had various meetings with measurement tech providers to discuss how to measure key parameters in branding campaigns, such as viewability and VCR (Video Completion Rate).” – Andrzej Surkont, Director of Global Inventory Partnerships, RTB House

You can read the full article on ExchangeWire’s website.