Why Audio + Digital Is the Perfect One-Two Punch for a Knockout Ad Campaign and combination of digital strategy and audio strategy can produce higher ROI and deliver a broader reach, explains Buck Robinson, Partner and Chief Radio strategist at The Media Manager in Martechadvisor articles.

“Both audio and digital advertising has strengths and weaknesses. A strategy that combines both can bolster the benefits and fill in the holes of each” – says Buck Robinson.

Both digital and audio advertising can reach consumers in places the other cannot. For instance, people typically consume audio advertising when they’re relaxed and alone, while digital can appear in crucial moments when consumers are energized or on the go. If a story is initiated gently via audio, it can be continued or reignited via digital.

Market research company Colmar Brunton has run the numbers on campaign return on investment and found that a combination of radio and online generates the strongest sales or enquiries. It studied the full media schedule of 21 brands over 18 months provided at a weekly level and crossed that with sales and enquiry data from those brands over the same period. All in all, it analysed the results of 116 campaigns.

On their own, radio led to an average uplift of 17% (range of 1% to 64%), online with an average uplift of 14% (-3% to 67%), and TV led to an average uplift of 13% (-11% to 60%). It also ran the numbers on various combinations of media, with radio and online proving the most effective with an average uplift of 23%. Radio and TV led to an average uplift of 21% while online and TV led to an average uplift of 9%.

Look at the pros and cons of digital and audio separately and why the two methods of reaching customers have a lot to add to one another.

Find out more by reading the article.