“Ongoing radio development, propelled – not inhibited – by digital. There are parallels between radio and other well-established broadcast mediums such as TV. For example, much like linear TV, radio is now part of a broader universe, but that doesn’t mean it’s destined to follow exactly the same path.” – says Michal Marcinik, our CEO and AdTonos Founder in the Member Viewpoint series of IAB UK.

Michal commented:

“In contrast to conventional TV, radio has grown with shifting listener requirements and activity; avoiding online erosion by actively embracing the opportunity to maintain audience connections via digital avenues. The fact that radio continued to account for 70% of total audio listening through lockdown 1.0 is evidence of its enduring value.

Next year, we can expect radio to keep progressing in partnership with digital; sustaining strong advertising revenues, attracting audience appeal, and continually finding new ways to provide engaging content in line with changing trends and contexts.”

Read the whole article and learn more about: how the audio industry has evolved over the past year, what challenges advertisers face and what steps advertisers can take to set themselves up for success moving forward.