What do the best media mixes look like in 2022? With the growing costs of advertising on Google, Amazon and Facebook, as well as complications to data privacy and adapting to the ‘cookie apocalypse’, digital TV, native display on mobile devices, TikTok and audio streaming have been identified as hot new platforms for ads. So what benefits do these platforms promise digital marketers?


37% of people on TikTok were exposed to ads in 2021, and this is set to increase with the introduction of new features like TikTok Shopping and shopping livestream events. Brands and marketing teams should take care, however, to respect TikTok audiences’ space; this audience primarily seeks to be entertained on this platform, so much like podcasts, things like repurposed radio ads are likely to have a negative impact on user experience and ultimately prove to be counterproductive. The kinds of adverts most likely to work best on TikTok would be shorter, jovial and with short, sharp and direct messaging.


40% of marketers have diverted budget from paid social media channels into CTV, and 58% of marketers have ditched linear TV ads for CTV ads instead.

Research shows that ad recall is 13% higher in TV streaming ads versus social media ads. As many as 50% of respondents interrupted their viewing to interact with TV streaming ads.

Native Display 

In the 2020 US market, native display ad spending reached $53 billion – with mobile accounting for $45 billion of native display ad spend. This form of advertising leveraged zero-party data as well as first-party data to create more impactful storytelling and effective ad placements that seamlessly fit into the content already being consumed. 

Streaming audio

130 million users are predicted to subscribe to audio streaming platforms by 2023 and friends and family are the recommenders of choice for potential purchases; 65% of Gen Z have reported that friends and family are their go-to for product recommendations. Podcasts hosts can mirror these relationships, through a phenomenon called ‘parasocial relationships’ where regular listeners feel deeply connected, familiar with and trusting of podcast hosts.

For audio advertising tools, Audiopixel, YoursTruly and Twilight may be helpful to add to your digital marketing repertoire.