In a new a16z podcast, Marc Andreessen, one of the company’s co-founders shared his predictions on what’s going to happen in tech this year. One of the biggest ones was digital audio.

Andreessen acknowledged the efficiency and effectiveness of digital audio that’s now being used by people everywhere, doing all kinds of things – like working or working out. Things they can’t do watching videos or reading, which makes audio so much more useful when it comes to reaching the right people with a brand’s message. He predicts voice will be getting more popular as a user interface, allowing people to search or buy things hands-free, expanding their activity while listening. Other things he included in his predictions were the development of medical-grade body sensors and the fact that VR is going to be much bigger than AR this year, while both will find practical applications.

To read his predictions and listen to the podcast, go to this TechCrunch article.